Makeup accentuates youthful feminine features that men tend to find attractive.

wrinkles while darkening these areas, it creates a contrast that makes those who use it look younger. Biologically speaking, youth tends to equal beauty. But why is this? The answer dates back to the most primitive days of humans when to be young and healthy meant you’d be able to carry on the family line. Being evolutionarily attracted to youth helps carry on the human species. Makeup plays up these youthful feminine features and thus makes women more attractive to men. This isn’t the only example of psychological perception change where cosmetics are involved. Although it seems that wearing makeup causes women to be viewed as more attractive, in recent history studies have shown that it can bring about workplace trouble. This is especially true when women who wear cosmetics have female bosses as cosmetic use tends to cause these female bosses to feel more suspicious, threatened, and even jealous of the cosmetic users.



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