Here are a few more discoveries that scientists and psychology experts have made while studying beauty and cosmetic use: • More than any other product, foundation makes the most difference in boosting one’s overall attractiveness, according to studies that have surveyed men. This is because it smooths the skin and makes users appear “healthier.” • Women have another take on the matter. In scientific studies involving women, they found females wearing eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara to be the most beautiful. They also considered women who wear makeup to be more dominant and strong. • Red is the most universally attractive shade of lipstick and is preferred over brown, nude, and other shades. Pink is runner-up. Why red? It creates contrast, which is pleasing to the eye. • Painting one’s nails can be therapeutic and has been scientifically proven to boost both calmness and overall mood. Makeup use can also make one feel smarter. A study titled “The Lipstick Effect” showed that more than positive music or looking at positive images, wearing makeup caused participants to see themselves as more capable. With this boost of confidence came much higher test scores. However, scientific studies have also shown that there is such a thing as “too much makeup.” A research study published by Kramer & Ward had participants take three photos. In the first photo, they were wearing no makeup. In the second, they were wearing a moderate amount of makeup. For the third photo, they were instructed to apply their makeup as if they were going out for the night. For the first stage of the study, a panel of non‑participants (both male and female) judged the photos. The results were



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