Breaching Great White Shark. Shark attacks the bait. Scientific name: Carcharodon carcharias. South Africa.
making artificial lures allow you to make noise in the water to get the attention of the larger predator fish. Fish have a keen sense of smell. Fishermen often release food particles called “chum” near their boats to encourage fish to strike. Natural bait attracts fish with its aroma, but any artificial scent transferred from your hands to the bait will alert the fish to your presence. Cologne, perfume, and aftershave need to be avoided before you go out on the boat. Fish are extremely nearsighted. They can only see clearly about 2 1/2 feet (60 cm) ahead. However, they can detect movement, and the motion of your bait or lure will get their attention. Fish usually can’t see color, but they can distinguish between darker and lighter shades of gray.
Deep Sea Fishing
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