Forensic chemists have to be comfortable functioning in a chaotic and often gruesome environment.
the fast growth will only result in about 2,400 new jobs over the ten-year period. Combined with the popularity of crime shows and appealing media representation of forensic scientists, competition for these types of jobs is expected to be strong in the coming years. Additionally, according to the American Chemical Society, new forensic labs are rarely established, which means that job openings for prospective forensic chemists at existing labs are generally the results of current employees retiring or being promoted. Applicants who have a master’s degree or additional certifications and areas of specialty are expected to have the best opportunities. Another factor that may affect the job market for forensic scientists is the increasing pressure for governments at all levels to reduce their budgets. However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there is still the expectation that both state and local governments will need to
Introduction: Bringing Chemistry to the Crime Scene
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