These days, when most people hear the word climate , they immediately think of the Earth’s environment. But the word climate can have a broader meaning than just weather; it can also refer to the overall atmosphere of a particular place. Are people at your school generally friendly or unfriendly? Is bullying taken seriously or not so much? Are LGBTQ+ students respected or shamed? These questions all relate to the school’s overall climate. In a way, “school climate” is essentially an issue of the well-being or “mental health” of the entire community. The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments gives three main factors to consider when assessing a school climate: • Engagement: What is the strength of relationships between students, teachers, and parents? • Safety: How well are students protected from behaviors like bullying and harassment, and how are these issues dealt with when they occur? • Environment: Are the classrooms and other facilities clean and well taken care of? Is the disciplinary system fair?
Teen Guides to Health & Wellness: School and Your Health
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