The four years of high school are a time of enormous transition. Students enter as freshmen—still kids, more or-less—and they graduate as adults (more-or-less!). Part of that transition involves spending increasing amounts of time out of the house. All this time on their own means that teens start making more and more of their own decisions, and the questions they encounter seem infinite. Should I eat this or that? Should I do my homework now or leave it till later? Should I get in that car with my friend or not? Should I accept that drink at a party? Plenty of these decisions are trivial, but others can have long-term impacts on a young person’s future. The ten volumes in this set attempt to lay out the facts when it comes to the many types of decisions teens will make about their own health. Since school is in effect a second home to most teenagers, this particular book, School and Your Health , looks at how education and health can interact, and it offers some common-sense tips for staying healthy while at school, including sleep, nutrition, and more. One particular issue, stress management, receives its own section in chapter 4. Stress impacts almost every high school student at some point—dogging many of them constantly—and the health impacts can be very real.
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