during this time period. The influx of immigrants, however, caused some negative feelings from native-born Ameri- cans. Irish immigrants, along with immigrants from Asia, were accused of stealing jobs from “real” Americans. It was during this time period that the Know Nothing party was
Political parties running on anti-immigrant platforms are not a modern phenomenon. In the 1850s, a political party known as the American Party, but commonly referred to as the Know Nothing Party, was formed. This party “strongly opposed immigrants and followers of the Catholic Church.… The Know Nothing Party intended to prevent Catholics and immigrants from being elected to political offices. Its members also hoped to deny these people jobs in the private sector, arguing that the nation’s business owners needed to employ true Americans.” 6 In addition to being afraid that immigrants were taking jobs from American citizens, the Know Nothings were also afraid that Roman Catholics would take over the country and place it under the rule of the Pope. While these fears were totally unfounded, they certainly felt valid to the white, working-class Protestants who supported the Know Nothing Party.
Contemporary Issues: Immigration
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