
“The Ends,” featuring André 3000 “Coordinate,” featuring Blac Youngsta “Through the Late Night,” featuring Kid Cudi “Beibs in the Trap,” featuring Nav “Outside,” featuring 21 Savage “Goosebumps,” featuring Kendrick Lamar “First Take,” featuring Bryson Tiller “Pick Up the Phone,”with Young Thug, featuring Quavo “Guidance,” featuring K. Forest “Wonderful,” featuring The Weeknd A STROWORLD (Released August 3, 2018) The music of Astroworld returned to the vibe of Scott’s original release but showed growth as a producer and songwriter. The artist returned to themes relating to his hometown of Houston, Texas, and its culture and surroundings. The album’s title references the now-defunct Houston amusement park, Six Flags Astroworld, which was demolished in 2005. Speaking about his album just before his release, Scott explained the theme of the album. “That’s what it’s going to sound like, like taking an amusement park away from kids. We want it back. We want the building back. That’s why I’m doing it. It took the fun out of the city,” explained the rapper.

Scan here to listen to Travis Scott’s “Stop Trying To Be God” Ft. James Blake, Kid Cudi, and Stevie Wonder.



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