“Carousel,” featuring Frank Ocean “Sicko Mode,” featuring Drake, Swae Lee and Big Hawk “R.I.P. Screw,” featuring Swae Lee “Stop Trying to Be God,” featuring James Blake, Kid Cudi, Philip Bailey and Stevie Wonder “No Bystanders,” featuring Juice Wrld and Sheck Wes “Skeletons,” featuring Pharrell Williams, Tame Impala and The Weeknd “Wake Up,” featuring The Weeknd “NC-17,” featuring 21 Savage “Yosemite,” featuring Gunna and Nav “Can’t Say,” featuring Don Toliver “Who? What!,” featuring Quavo and Takeoff The digital format makes mixtapes much cheaper for artists to release than albums. Many artists take advantage of this and release mixtapes before they get signed or when they are in between studio albums. Travis Scott did both. He’s released three mixtapes: Cruis’n USA, with the Classmates in 2011, Owl Pharaoh in 2013, Days Before Rodeo in 2014. Few details exist of the mixtape that Scott self- released with the Classmates. No digital links to Mixtapes
Scan the code to listen to Travis Scott’s “Sweet Sweet.”
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