G lobal warming poses a great threat to our environment and to our existence. Various human activities have result- ed in major climate changes. It has led to a rise in global tempera- tures, melting of polar ice sheets and ice caps, a rise in sea levels, and abnor- mal evaporation and precipitation. One of the major threats to glob- al climate comes from the massive waste generation by humans. The large amount of waste generated by us directly contributes to the emis- sion of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and wastage of resources. Reducing and recycling solid waste is an active way to reduce GHG emissions. It saves waste from ending up in landfills where it produces GHGs. The manufacture, distribution, and use of products as well as manage- ment of the resulting waste lead to GHG emissions. INTRODUCTION
GHGs Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane are two powerful GHGs produced during waste gen- eration. CO 2 is the most abundant GHG in the atmosphere and is produced directly when fuels are burnt to generate energy. Methane is produced during the decompo- sition of organic waste, such as wood, pa- per, and food waste. Impact of Waste Any unwanted or useless material that we want to throw away is waste. The large amounts of trash or garbage that we dis- card contributes directly and indirectly to global warming. Our waste generation is closely linked to the emission of GHGs.
CLIMATE CHANGE: Problems and Progress
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