Climate Change An increased concentration of CO 2
and methane in the atmosphere leads to global climate change. These GHGs trap the sun’s heat in the atmosphere. This heat leads to a rise in glob- al temperatures. Global warming is causing polar ice sheets to melt. Low-lying regions of the world are under threat of being submerged due to rising sea levels. ZeroWaste If all of us generate less waste and thus reduce our carbon footprint , the threat of global warming can be overcome to a certain extent. The way we produce, consume, and dispose of our goods accounts for a huge amount of GHG emissions. Therefore, we should switch to environment-friendly practices.
Climate Facts
● ● It is estimated that food wasted by the United States and Europe could feed the world three times over. ● ● The United States is the world’s largest trash-producing country at 1,609 pounds (727 kg) of trash per person each year.
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