overlooked for a promotion because of your LGBTQ status, take the time to talk to your supervisor about what you could improve to get the promotion next time. It may be that you aren’t ready for a promotion, and you were quick to judge that it was because of your LGBTQ status. When you are true to yourself and you take the time to learn about what you want to do for work, you are more likely to find a job that you love. If the environment doesn’t feel comfortable, try to promote a more positive work environment. Look for ways to include others in discussions, and don’t be afraid to stand up for someone people are talking about negatively. As you learn about work and personal life balance, you will discover what it means to have boundaries. You can share some personal information without telling everyone all the details of your private life. The more you are able to keep your personal and private life separate, the easier it will be for you to live your life in both areas. Professional boundaries are going to make it easier for you to build healthy work relationships, while being able to focus on your work. People who get too intimate at work tend to discuss too much personal information at work, while leaving their job duties neglected. As an LGBTQ person, you will benefit from building relationships that work for you and don’t involve sharing information on social media. Learn how to have boundaries, and don’t be afraid to speak up when you feel it is necessary.


LGBTQ at Work • Your Personal and Working Life

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