Origins and Celebrations of Easter E aster is considered the most important Christian festival. Easter celebrates the central Christian belief that Jesus rose from dead three days after his Crucifixion. Christians believe Jesus was the Son of God, and died on the cross to redeem humanity from sin. In addition to its religious meaning, the Resurrection symbolizes the revival of hope and a fresh lease on life for all human beings. Christ’s victory over death signifies to Christians the possible salvation of their eternal souls.

words to understand

Abstinence : Self-restraint or self-denial of something, such as alcohol, for a period of time. Apostle : One chosen and trained by Jesus in the New Testament to preach the Gospel. Bible : Collection of religious writings used inbothJudaismandChristianity. Deity : A god, goddess, or holy being.

t  The origins of Easter come from the pagan deity, Eostre, goddess of fertility.

Origins and Celebrations of Easter n


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