Although bull sharks are quite aggressive, they will not hunt humans out of revenge.
SHARK MYTH: SHARKS ATTACK PEOPLE WHO HAVE WRONGED THEM. Contrary to what books and movies may lead you to believe, sharks do not go after people out of revenge. Many shark-themed movies
have a storyline of sharks attacking as revenge for humans killing another shark, but this type of behavior has never been recorded. It’s unlikely that sharks are capable of this level of thinking. Even if sharks were capable of feeling the need for revenge, they would not have a way of knowing which humans to attack. We do know that sharks are quite intelligent and capable of learning, however. For example, when divers regularly visit the same area with food, sharks learn that food will be available when divers arrive. While this is certainly a sign of the intelligence of sharks, this behavior is a far cry from sharks going after people because they are angry. SIDEBAR
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