Some Marijuana Doesn’t Get People High
CBD is a chemical found in the cannabis plant (marijuana). Studies have shown that it has many medicinal effects. Cannabis plants can be grown to have more CBD, and less THC. THC is the substance that has the mental effects. Children and teens who need medical marijuana usually use CBD for this reason.
It’s also a powerful antioxidant. You can find antioxidants in many foods like berries, soybeans, grape juice, and chocolate. Antioxidants protect your body against harmful substances that you may come in contact with. Because of this, many believe they reduce your risk of cancer and many other diseases. Because CBD doesn’t have mental effects, it’s used to make medicines in some countries. CBD is the major ingredient in the prescription drug Sativex, an oral spray that is used to treat symptoms in patients with moderate to severe spasticity due to multiple sclerosis. Spasticity is a medical condition in which certain muscles are continuously contracted. Marijuana also contains many other substances that are less concentrated and have been less studied. People commonly sell CBD as an oil. Cannabidiol oil can be made from hemp cannabis. In places where medical marijuana isn’t legal, CBD oil may be legal. It’s often used to treat children who have epileptic seizures. Those who suffer from epilepsy have difficulty doing normal things like playing sports, riding in a boat, or driving when they’re older. They always must be careful. One study reported in the Washington Post found that children diagnosed with epilepsy who received CBD oil had 39 percent fewer seizures. These results give parents great hope and options for treating this horrible condition. The Promising Aspects of Medical Marijuana Researchers and advocates of medical marijuana are excited about the potential for what some consider a “miracle drug.” In this book, we’re going to take an in-depth look at some of the studies. But as an overview of what’s to come, here are some of the findings that excite people who strongly support the use of medical marijuana. • Medical marijuana can reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder by 75 percent. ( Journal of Psychoactive Drugs ) Let’s briefly look at some of the promising aspects of using medical marijuana.
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