people hope to achieve by using it. You’ll also look at some side effects and drawbacks that make some hesitant to see it as a beneficial, or helpful, drug. You’ll explore how people use marijuana around the world. You’ll check out the various laws in place in different countries like Canada and The Netherlands. You’ll learn about countries such as Israel that are leading the way in research. You’ll discover how medical marijuana may help people with anxiety, depression, seizures, and even cancer. You’ll find out what the science really shows and what needs further research. Finally, we’ll consider together what the future of medical marijuana might look like. Where might the research take us? Do we anticipate more or fewer countries legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes? What will you discover about marijuana that you didn’t know? What current beliefs might you be able to back up with science after reading this book? Will this book change your mind? It’s all up to you.

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