Educational Video
Scan here for a video on the worldwide decline of democracy:
fied as “partly free” and 25 percent as “not free.” “Political rights and civil liberties around the world deteri- orated to their lowest point in more than a decade in 2017,” wrote Freedom House President Michael J. Abramowitz in the 2018 report. “Perhaps worst of all, and most worrisome for the future, young people, who have little memory of the long strug- gles against fascism and communism, may be losing faith and interest in the democratic project. The very idea of democracy and its promotion has been tarnished among many, contribut- ing to a dangerous apathy. Citizens’ Rights Over the course of human history government has evolved from authoritarianism to accountability and protection of citi- zens’ rights. Along the way, the concept of citizenship also evolved, with full political rights being extended to an ever- wider portion of the population. Initially, the United States, France, Great Britain, and other early democracies of the mod-
The Evolution of Government
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