“Technique is the most important part of speed dribbling. We want the foot to be pointed toe down and toward the inside of your body so that your laces are actually pushing through the ball. And as you step, keep that ball going forward. ”
every pound (half kilogram) of body weight. If you played the entire game, then that amount should be increased to two-thirds gram per pound. For example, a 150 lb. (68-kilogram) player would want to consume about 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of carbs after playing a full ninety-minute game.
Be Well Hydrated Solid food is only half the equation as far as what soccer players need to consume on game day. Like with sleep and eating habits, serious players will want to maintain good hydration habits at all times as well. Players do not only want to hydrate on game days but should be practicing good hydration habits year round. On game days, however, because you are about to expend a ton of energy and lose a lot of fluids (especially in hot conditions), hydration is crucial. Being hydrated will allow you to be more focused during the match. A good hydration regimen will see players drinking at least forty-eight ounces (1.4 liters) of water a day, sixty-four ounces (1.9 liters) on practice or training days. On game days, players should drink as usual, but make sure to drink twenty ounces (0.6 liter) about two hours before kickoff. Drink where possible throughout the game, making sure to get another twenty ounces at halftime. The halftime beverage can be a low-calorie sports drink that will help replenish electrolytes lost through sweating. Drink another eight
– Tiffeny Milbrett, U.S. Olympic and World Cup champion
Players lose a lot of fluids on game day, so they need to hydrate properly before they play.
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