2. Spike drill: With a partner, have him or her lob balls to you from across the width of the court that you can spike back in one bounce to complete a full range of motion shoulder warm-up (duration: twenty reps). 3. Set drill: With a partner, stand ten feet apart, and set the ball back and forth to each other to work the forearms. Do ten reps each, and repeat from twenty feet apart. 4. Pass drill: This is the same as the set drill using passes rather than sets. 5. Pepper drill: With a partner, stand ten feet apart, and have him or her toss the ball. Pass it back, so he or she can spike it, and practice digging the return. Alternate roles throughout (duration: three minutes). 6. Defensive drill: This is a full squad drill. The team lines up about ten feet apart facing the coach. A designated setter takes a position to the coach’s right. The coach throws the ball at the first player in the line, who must find a way to pass it to the setter. That player then becomes the setter, and the original setter joins the end of the line (duration: ten minutes). 7. Hitting drill : This is a full squad drill. Three lines are formed consisting of outside hitters, middle hitters, and right side hitters. The coach tosses the ball to a designated setter who alternately sets balls for one of the three lines. 8. Serving drill : This is a full squad drill. The squad divides in half with players lining up on opposite baselines. Players all have balls and practice serves back and forth across the net.
Elena Rusu warms up with a passing drill before a match in Bucharest, Romania, in 2014.
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