has been referred to as the “father of vivisection .” It wasn’t until the 12th century that surgery was con- ducted on humans. Avenzoar (1094–1162), a well-known physician in medieval Spain, dissected animals as a way of testing surgical procedures before performing them on human patients. During the 1800s, animal testing led to several import- ant medical discoveries. French chemist and microbiologist
Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) is best known for developing pas- teurization—the process of heating liquids, such as milk, to destroy harmful bacteria— in 1864. But for several years before then, he studied the re- lationship between germs and disease by injecting sheep with anthrax, a germ that can kill humans and animals. Dogs were operated on to isolate and test insulin as a treatment for diabetes, most notably by Canadian physician
Pasteur’s ideas helped make food safer.
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