heard ghostly screams. Ann Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry the VIII, gives Margaret Pole competition—she’s been spotted roaming the grounds with her severed head tucked under her arm. Some ghost stories have become the stuff of legend. In Jamestown, NC, people have for decades reported seeing
More interesting ghost sightings caught on tape.
a young woman in white hitchhiking along the road by a bridge, now called Lydia’s Bridge. She flags down a car, gets in, and directs the driver to take her to an address. When the driver stops to let her out, she has disappeared. Lydia died in a car wreck returning from a party, and some say
she is still trying to find her way home.The visage of a “white lady” is a commonly re- ported form of ghost. Resident Ghosts Some phantoms have more irregular schedules, appearing at odd times. In No- vember 1892, Kate Morgan committed suicide by shooting herself in the head at the Hotel del Coronado south of San Diego, CA. On occasion, an image of a woman in Victorian garb is seen floating through the halls—also, people claim to
Lady Jane Grey is said to appear floating on a cloud of mist every year on the anniversary of her execution.
freaky phenomena
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