Historians used to believe that the pharoah Khufu (also known as Cheops) used an army of slaves to haul and place the stones. Today, scientists and historians believe that 20,000 to 30,000 volunteers and paid laborers moved the massive stones from quarries located hundreds of miles away. A June 2016 article in Live Science explains that ancient records kept on papyrus show that many of the limestone blocks were shipped by boat along canals and the Nile River to ports in Giza. It is suspected that the laborers were well fed. A report published by AERA estimates that enough cattle and goats were slaughtered every day to produce 4,000 pounds of meat to feed the pyramid workers. Also, the laborers worked in teams. Group names have been found— carved in the stones at the Great Pyramid—such asThe Pure Ones of Khufu,ThoseWho Know Unas (the name of another pyramid complex), and The Drunks of Menkaure.
Workers in Egypt may have transported stone blocks using ropes.
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