HISTORY OF AI AI is a concept that dates all the way back to ancient times. Jewish legends of the golem conceived of an automated servant that was made from clay and could be brought to life by placing a magic token in its mouth. Removing the token would return the golem to unanimated clay. The idea of intelligent robots was also found in the Greek myths of Hephaestus, a blacksmith who manufactured mechanical servants, and the bronze man, Talos. In the 13th century, Albert Magnus and Roger Beacon created the first human head models that could talk. Leonardo da Vinci made a walking lion in 1515—as clockmakers started using their skills to create mechanical animals—and in the early 17th century, Rene Decartes proposed that the bodies of animals were merely complex machines. Blaise Pascal created the first mechanical digital calculating machine in 1642. In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard invented the Jacquard loom, the first programmable machine, with instructions on punched cards. Seventeen years later, Mary Shelley published Frankenstein , about a young scientist who creates an independently conscious creature. In 1936, Alan Turing proposed the universal Turing machine, the origin of the first digital computer. He then created a test in 1950 to determine intelligent behavior in machines. Modern history in AI begins with the stored- program computer,

invented by John von Neumann in 1953. In 1956, John McCarthy coined the term “artificial intelligence” at the Dartmouth Conference. The same year, Allen Newell, J.C. Shaw, and Herbert Simon

developed the first AI computer program, the Logic Theorist. From 1974–1980,


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