No matter their size, reptiles can be fierce
hunters. Zebras and water buffalo are prey for some of the larger crocodiles and snakes. Smaller species mainly hunt insects, worms, shellfish, and mice. It’s a reptile- eat-reptile world out there—these predators are happy to make a meal of a smaller cousin.
A chameleon shoots out its long, sticky tongue to catch insect food. 7
Caimans, alligators, and crocodiles are clever hunters. They lie in wait in waterholes and rivers and pounce on animals coming to the water’s edge to drink. The crocodile lunges forward with a splash, grabs its prey, and sinks back underwater.
NO THANKS, I’M FULL Cold-blooded reptiles do not make heat for their bodies from the food they eat. They keep warm by lying in the sun. This means that they need a lot less food than warm-blooded animals, such as humans. Some reptiles only eat three or four meals a year!
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