is the only Middle Eastern country offering winter skiing and snow- boarding. But since the mid-1970s Lebanon has been devastated by inter- nal and external political conflicts, including 15 years of civil war, another 15 years of Syrian occupation, several conflicts with neigh- boring Israel, and a great deal of political turmoil in recent years. A civil war in Syria that began in 2011 has also spilled over the bor- der into Lebanon in recent years. These conflicts brought constant danger, instability, terrorism, the destruction of homes and proper- ty, and the deaths of many people. Many Lebanese remain numb or angry from the violence and uncertainty of a war in which neighbor often fought neighbor. Before the civil war began in 1975, Lebanon was prosperous and modern, on friendly terms with the United States and other Western nations as well as with fellow Arab countries. Foreign investors were drawn to Beirut’s banks and tourists visited its beaches. Outsiders mistakenly viewed Lebanon as a place where Christians and Muslims lived together in harmony. But deep-seated conflicts between religious sects, political factions, and the rich and the poor were already brewing. Today Lebanon faces many challenges. The country continues to rebuild from its conflicts, and politicians have promised to restore
Words to Understand in This Chapter
arid— excessively dry; without enough rainfall to support agriculture. Hezbollah— an organization of militant Shiite Muslims formed to oppose the 1982 Israeli occupation of Lebanon, and now one of Lebanon’s largest political parties. Hezbollah (the name means “Party of God”) opposes Western influences and seeks to create a Muslim fundamentalist state modeled on Iran. militant— extremely active in the defense or support of a cause, often using violence and other methods most people find unacceptable.
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