In airports across the country, more than 800 dogs (mainly retrievers, pointers, and a mixed breed called a vizslador) are hard at work every day. They sniff and screen passengers, packages, and planes for explosives and illegal drugs. In air- port warehouses, they also search huge amounts of cargo to be sure there is nothing dangerous or illegal among the thousands of boxes being shipped. Their quick work keeps air traffic moving and travelers safe. In prisons, dogs help search out drugs and other contraband , including cell phones. In most locations, there would be nothing suspicious about a phone. In a prison, however, such a hid- den phone could be a way for inmates to conduct illegal activities from inside the prison walls. These dogs are specially trained to sniff out electronics that human prison guards might miss. Dogs also act as detectives: Their keen noses can sniff out the chemicals criminals might use to start a fire on purposeāa dangerous crime known as arson. After a fire is put out, even amidst the strong
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