KARATE STYLES There are many different styles, or schools, of karate worldwide, making for a rich tapestry of associations with differing aims, objectives, protocols, and training methods. There are, however, certain core values that most karate teachers and practitioners hold dear. Perhaps one of the most important is that karate should be an art of defense, not offense. This means that karate should not be used to indiscriminately attack others; rather, it should be used for self-improvement and self-defense—and even then only under extreme provocation. The following are 10 of the most popular and well-known karate styles, practiced throughout the world. SHOTOKAN Founders: students of Master Funakoshi (Shoto was Master Funakoshi’s pen name). Description: an eclectic and comprehensive karate style that tends to set the norms and standards that many other styles follow. GOJU KAI Founder: Master Gogen Yamaguchi (1909–1989). A student of Chojun Miyagi. Master Yamaguchi was also known as “The Cat” and was a famous karate figure. The Emperor of Japan decorated him for his services to karate. Description: goju kai is a Japanese version of Okinawan goju-ryu.

GOIU-RYU Founder: Master Chojun Miyagi.


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