What is Karate?
Karate is the Japanese word for a martial art that uses blocking, punch- ing, striking, kicking, seizing, grappling, and throwing techniques. Karate is written using two Japanese characters: “kara,” which means empty, and “te,” which means hand or hands. Karate, therefore, is “the art of empty hands,” or the art of fighting without weapons. There are two basic approaches to karate. The first is traditional karate, which is studied as a martial art. The second is sport, or competitive, karate. Many karate associations practice and teach both types of approaches. There are many reasons why karate-ka (people who practice karate) choose to do so. Some are interested in learning self-defense, while others practice it as a sport. There are also many people who do it just for fun. A stimulating and absorbing martial art, karate can be practiced in a group, with a friend, or even alone. Karate is suitable for all ages and levels of fitness, and training can be customized to suit all individuals, including people with disabilities. Most karate schools have The ultimate goal in karate is to defeat the enemy without fighting. But if it becomes necessary to fight, a good defense is essential. The woman in this photograph demonstrates a classic blocking technique.
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