Words to Understand
canton— originally a word describing the four quarters of a shield and always less than one-quarter of the total surface of a flag. In modern times, as used when referring to flags, it means the area in the top corner next to the pole or staff. ensign— originally, a standard, badge emblem, symbol, or sign. It may also be a military or naval flag or banner. jack— a naval flag smaller than an ensign and flown at a ship’s bow as a mark of distinction or to show nationality.The American Jack is the canton of the Stars and Stripes, a blue field contain- ing 50 five-pointed stars. standard— a flag or banner that is adopted as an emblem or sym- bol by a nation. union— the combining of two or more entities into one. In the flag of Great Britain, for example, the union is a combination of the St. George Cross, the St.Andrew Cross, and the St. Patrick Cross. In the American flag, the union refers to the canton, or the union of the states represented by the stars.
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