Chapter 1

Where Does Dairy Come From?

M ilk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt all have something in common—they’re all dairy foods. And all dairy foods come from animal milk. Milk comes right from the animal. Cheese and other dairy foods are made by changing milk into an- other food. Dairy foods also have something else in common. They all come from farms. Animals that produce milk live on farms, where they’re milked. Without farms, we wouldn’t have dairy foods—or many other foods for that matter. THE ANIMALS Most of the milk people drink comes from cows. Some people drink other animals’ milk, though, like goat milk, camel milk, water buffalo milk, and sheep milk. A lot of the cheese and yogurt sold in grocery stores comes from sources other than cows. Feta cheese, for example, is usually made from sheep’s or goat’s milk.

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