9781422288009 Players & the Game Around the World

About the Author

Z.B. Hill is an author and publicist living in Binghamton, New York. He has written books on a variety of topics including mental health, music, and fitness.

Picture Credits

6: AlexanderZam - Fotolia.com 8: D. Gordon E. Robertson 10: Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections 14: lagom - Fotolia.com 16: Bibliothéque nationale de France 17: U.S. National Archives and Records 20: U.S. National Archives and Records 22: Joe Johnson 24: olly - Fotolia.com 26: Madman2001 28: Keith Allison

32: Pete Souza, Official Whitehouse Photostream 34: Keith Allison 36: Franz Pfluegl | Dreamstime.com 38: Keith Allison 39: Courtesy of Special Collections, Uni- versity of Houston Libraries 40: Martin Ellis | Dreamstime.com 41: randomduck | Flickr.com 42: U.S. Agency for International Development


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