strength, and flexibility. They may also call for electrical stim- ulation, massage, or braces and splints that help the patient recover more quickly than she would otherwise. ATs teach patients how to change their environment to keep them from being reinjured and how to per- form exercises at home to aid in their recovery.
Educational Video
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Professional Health and Well-Being Athletic trainers are also trained to manage facilities that pro- vide health care services to clients and patients. From comply- ing with state and federal laws to protecting patient privacy through the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), ATs can successfully run a clinic or a private practice using their skills and training. Like physicians, ATs can have their services paid for by health insurance, but they must maintain accurate patient records to keep track of when they treated a patient and the services they provided. Athletic trainers are no longer limited to treating athletes on the fields and courts of high schools, colleges, and profes- sional teams. They are also vital members of the health care team in hospitals, clinics, and doctors’ offices throughout the country. In these medical settings, they provide care and edu- cation for patients who have had surgery or who have experi- enced an injury in a nonathletic setting.
Athletic Trainer
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