Danelo Cavalcante

Author’s Biography Aiden J. Hurst is an aspiring author and storyteller. Raised on classic English literature, Hurst has always had a deep love for books. Ever since he was a young man, he has always been immersed in a variety of novels and stories. As he grew up, he developed a strong love for writing, no doubt influenced by the many literary works he had consumed over the years. Hurst takes influence from a variety of different literature, film, music, and television to craft his books. When not writing, he also enjoys spending time with his family and friends as well as listening to music. He currently lives in the coastal city of Hollywood, Florida. Hurst has written three books for Mason Crest Publishing, all in the Infamous Jailbreaks series. Photo Credits Page 1 & Cover: ©Alamy|©UPI, page 6: ©Alamy|©UPI, page 8, 9: Wikimedia Commons, page 10: ©Alamy Stock|Associated Press, page 11: ©Shutterstock|ChameleonsEye, page 12: ©Shutterstock|May_Chanikran, page 15: ©Shutterstock|Fer Gregory, page 17: ©Shutterstock|sarun_J, page 20: ©Shutterstock|Ksenia Ragozina, page 23: Wikimedia Commons|John Hill, page 25: ©Shutterstock|Leena Robinson, page 26: ©Shutterstock|Jelena Stanojkovic, page 30: ©Shutterstock|nimito, page 33: ©Shutterstock|Matt Gush, page 36: ©Shutterstock|John M. Chase, page 40: Wikimedia commons|Camerafiend, page 41: ©Shutterstock|sirtravelalot, page 44: ©Alamy|©UPI, Page 46: ©Alamy|ZUMA Press, page 51: ©Alamy|ZUMA Press, page 53: ©Alamy|ZUMA Press, page 54: ©Alamy Stock|Associated Press, page 56: ©Shutterstock|sakhorn, page 58, 59: ©Alamy Stock|Associated Press.


Danelo Cavalcante

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