My Teenage Life in Egypt


Six days earlier, Egypt celebrates Sinai Liberation Day. In 1967, Israeli forces dealt Egypt and other Arab nations a crushing defeat. Israel took control of theSinai Peninsula, an important part of Egypt. Thepeace treaty that Egyptian president Anwar Sadat signed in 1979 called for Israel to withdraw from the Sinai, and the last Israeli troops left there on April 25, 1982. On this public holiday, Egyptian air force jets trace colorful patterns in the sky, while military bands play concerts throughout the country. Henna

Some Egyptian customs date back to the time of the pha- raohs. For example, brides in ancient times had their hands and feet painted with henna beforetheirweddings.Thatwas believed tobring good luckand good health. Today brides sit for several hours while their friends and family members create detailed designs with henna. Another modern ceremo- ny with ancient roots is the Sebou, which means “seven” in Arabic. Seven days after the birth of a child, the parents carry the infant around their home. Centuries ago,manyba- bies died within a few days of

President Anwar Sadat (1918–1981) helped create a peace treaty that returned the Sinai peninsula to Egyptian control.

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