My Teenage Life in Egypt
I ndex
Nile River 13, 14, 15, 39, 41, 52, 54, 55 population growth 50, 51 Ramadan 24, 25 Rameses II 40 Red Sea 12 Sadat, Anwar el- 28, 43 Sham el-Nassim 26, 27 Sinai Liberation Day 28 school 9, 18, 19, 20, 21 soccer 34, 35 Revolution Day 27 Rosettta Stone 16
Hatshepsut 14 henna 28, 29 hieroglyphics 16, 17 Khufu 14 Kulthum, Umm 34 Islam 16, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 48, 49 Lake Nasser 54, 55, 56 Mahfouz, Naguib 33 Mawlid an-Nabi 24 Morsi, Mohamed 43 Mubarak, Hosni 43 Muhammad 16, 24, 26, 32, 49 Napoleon 16 Nasser, Gamal Abdel 17, 42, 43 New Valley Project 56
Abraham 25 Abu Simel 40 agriculture 38, 39, 40 Alexander the Great 15 ancient Egypt 12, 13, 14 Arab Spring 43 Aswan High Dam 15, 54 Beni Suef 36, 37 Cleopatra 15 Coptic Christians 26, 30, 47 Egyptian Museum 33, 53 Eid al-Fitr 25 Eid al-Adha 25 family life 8, 11 food 22, 23 Great Pyramids of Giza 13, 41, 52 Hajj 26
Suez Canal 16, 17 tourism 40, 41, 59 Tutankhamen 14
Author Jim Whiting has published more than 180 nonfiction books for young readers. He is the most prolific author in his home state of Washington. His subjects literally run the gamut from A(ntarctica) to Z(ionism). His goal is to write a stack of books taller thanhe is. Right now the level is at his collarbone. Thanks to fellowwriter Bob Woods and his aunt Margo Badra for their help in connecting us with Muhammad. Photo Credits Adobe Stock Images: Ambrophoto 8b; Pavalena 13; Ojito 15; Alfi 16, Africa Studio 22c; PRLL Mediendesign 23; Zea Lenanet 29; WH Chow 31; Kokhanchikov 33; Witr 41, 54; Bzzuspajk 51; AP Photo: Ahmed Gomaa Leonid Andronov 9t; Monkey Business Images 11; MI12nan 20c; Blacklionder 20t; Chaoss 20c; martinmark 20b; Mohamed Osama Mohamed Abdel Ghany 25; Mohammed El Khamisy 39; Mohmed Hanno 43; Mohammed Saeed 58; Stanislav Moroz 59. Newscom: Xinhua/TNS 56. Wikimedia: 17, 21, 27, 28, 53, 55 (Rehim). Other photos courtesy of Muhammad Nabil.
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