My Teenage Life in Egypt

interested in ancient Egyptian arts and crafts. The Egyptian Museum in Cairo is probably the best place to experience the country’sgloriouspast.Themu- seum boasts more than 120,000 individual items. Not all can be displayed at one time, but some of themost popular attractions are mummies and gold masks of pharaohs. In recent times, Egypt has been at the center of arts and literature in the Arab World. It has produced many notable poets and writers. Perhaps the best known isNaguibMahfouz, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988. During his 70-year career he published 34 novels, hundreds of short sto- ries, anddozens of movie scripts. Music

A replica of the mighty Sphinx stands guard in front of Cairo’s Egyptian Museum, home to thousand of amazing antiquities.

For thousands of years, music has played an important part in Egyptian cultural life. Today a variety of musicians performing traditional and contemporary music attracts millions of listeners, both in Egypt and the rest of the Arab world. Many Egyptians, especially the younger ones, also enjoy listening to Western rock music.

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