My Teenage Life in Egypt
The Future of Egypt
A s Egyptians look forward the future, they see numerous challenges. The countryneeds to take care of its increasing number of people. Egypt’s population boom is driven in part by improved health care at both ends of the spectrum. Infant mortality decreased from113 per 1,000 births in 1980 to just 18 per 1,000 in 2012. Life expectancy has increased from an average age of 48 in 1960 to 71 in 2012. The bottom line is that more and more people are surviving infancy and living much longer. Huge Classrooms These increasing numbers create strains in several areas of society. For example, the school system is overburdened and classes exceeding 100 students per room are common. Many eighth graders have difficulty in reading andwriting. In aworldwide era of continual technological expan- sion, this deficiency places Egyptians at a disadvantage. Words to Understand catastrophic incredibly damaging to life and property brazen acting excessively shockingly and boldly destabilize damage, disrupt, undermine runoff water that flows from the land back into large bodies of water satellite something relatively small that is near a larger body and influenced by it
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