Index Numbers in bold indicate an illustration. Words in bold are in the glossary on page 47. Aircraft, exploration by 36-37 Alaska 22-23 Amundsen, Roald 25, 35 Antarctic 5 , 7, 10-11, 28-39, 42-46 Antarctic Polar Front 10 Antarctic Treaty 39, 42-43, 45, 47 Arctic 4, 6-7, 8-9, 12-27, 40-41, 44-46 Barents, Willem 20 Basque whalers 19 Bellingshausen, Thaddeus 31 bone carvings and tools 13 , 15 Borchgrevink, Carsten 32 , 33 Bouvet, Jean-Baptiste 30 Byrd, Richard 36 , 37 Cabot, John 19 capsize 30, 47 Cathay (China), routes to 18 , 19-21 climate 6, 10, 47 clothing 14, 35 Cook, Frederick 26, 27 Cook, James 30 Bennett, Floyd 36 Bering Strait 9, 12 Bering, Vitus 22-23 Biscoe John 32, 33 blubber 15, 47 boats, Inuit 15

Photographic credits Cover: Main: Denis Burdin/Dreamstime; Flags: Amble/ Wikimedia; Peary: Hampton, 1909; Penguins: Gentoo Multimedia/Dollar Photo. Inside: Bryan and Cherry Alexander 6 bottom, 9 top, 29 bottom, 41 top, 45 right; Ancient Art and Architecture Collection 28 top; Bridgeman Art Library 2, 7 top; Brit- ish Library, 18 center; Giraudon, 19 bottom, 30 bottom; British Antarctic Surve,y 39 bottom, 43 bottom; ET Archive 14 right, 20 center, 21 bottom, 24 top; Mary Evans Picture Library, 7 bottom, 25 bottom, 27 center; Werner Forman Archive, 6 top, 15 bottom, 17 top; John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, Boston, Mas- sachusetts, 26 bottom; Robert Harding Picture Library, 13 center, 23 top left, 39 top; Michael Holford 29 top; Hulton Deutsch Collection 21 top, 37 bottom and inset; Mansell Collection 14 left, 22 right, 35 bottom; NASA 45 left; Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo 16 bottom; National Maritime Museum, Greenwich 23 bottom, 30 top, 32 top; Peter Newark’s Pictures 17 bottom, 19 top, 24 center, 28 bottom; Novosti Photo Library 31 bottom; Oxford Scientific Films Ltd 11 top left; Ben Osborne, 13 to; Doug Allan, 33 bottom; Kim Westerskov, 43 top; Colin Monteath; Planet Earth Pictures 9 bottom; Royal Geographical Society 11 bottom, 25 top, 26 top, 34 cen- ter, 36 left, 38 bottom, 44; Science Photo Library 11 top right, 42; Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge 23 top right, 27 top left, 32 bottom, 34 bottom, 37 center; Gazprom 41 bottom; US Coast Guard 45 bottom.

husky dogs 8 , 15

St Brendan 17 Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) 42 Scoresby, William 23 Scott, Robert Falcon 2, 34-35 scurvy 23, 47 seals and sealers 12 , 15, 31, 32, 47 settlers , early Arctic 12-13, 17, 47 Severin, Tim 17 Shackleton, Ernest 2 , 34, 36, 37 Siberia 22-23 South Magnetic Pole 32, 33, 37 South Pole 9, 10 , 34-35, 39 Southern Ocean 10 , 11, 28 Spitsbergen 9,41 Terra Australis Incognita 28 , 29 Terror 32 Thule Culture 13 time chart 46 tourism 43 transport, Inuit 15 tree line 8 treks 22, 47 tundra 8, 12, 47 umiaks 15 Urville, Jules Dumont d’ 33 stone carving, Inuit 15 Stroud, Dr Michael 38

ice cap 10, 11 , 47 icebergs 9 , 11 Iceland 16, 17, 18 igloos 14 -15 International Arctic Science Committee 41 International co-operation 38-39, 40-42 International Geophysical Year (IGY) 38-39, 42 Inuit (Inuk) 6 , 13 , 14-15, 26, 41 ivory tools 15 kamiks 14 kayaks 15 Kergeulen, Yves-Joseph 30 latitude lines 9 life support system 44, 47 longitude lines 9 Magellan, Ferdinand 19, 28 , 29 magnetism 32, 47 Mawson, Douglas 37 McClintock, Sir Francis 25 McClure, Robert 25 Middle Ages 28, 47 Midnight Sun 7 minerals and mining 41 , 43, 47 minutes (of degrees) 9, 47 Mirny 31 Muscovy Company 20 Nansen, Fridtjof 26 Nares, Sir George 26 navigators 19, 47 Neanderthals 12, 47 Newfoundland 19 North Magnetic Pole 7, 8, 9, 26-27 North Pole 7, 8 , 9, 26-27 Northeast Passage 19, 20-21 Northwest Passage 19, 20-21, 24 nunataks 10 musk-ox 12 , 13 mutiny 21, 47

Vikings 16-17 visitors, control of 45 Vostok 31

waste 44-45 Weddell,James 32, 33 whales and whaling 15, 19 , 23, 33, 41 Wilkes, Charles 33 Wilson, Edward 2 , 34

Davis, John 20 , 21 Dorset Culture 6 , 12 Drake, Francis 29

Ellsworth, Lincoln 36 Endurance 36 Environmental Protocol 43, 47 Erebus 32 Erik the Red 16, 17

oil extraction 45 Operations Highjump and Windmill 37 ozone hole 44- 45 Parry, Sir William 25 , 26 Peary, Robert 26 -27 penguins 10 Pole of Inaccessiblity 39 pollution 44-45 Polo, Marco 19 Polynesian legend 29 Pythagoras 7 Pytheas 7 Rae, John 25 Resolution 30 Roosevelt 26 Ross, James Clark 32-33 Ross Island 33 Ross, Sir John 25 Rymill, John 36 , 37

Eriksson, Leif 16 Eskimos see Inuit

Fiennes, Sir Ranulph 38 food, Inuit 15 Fram 26 Franklin, Lady Jane 25 Franklin, Sir John 24 -25 Frobisher, Captain Martin 20 , 21 Fuchs, Sir Vivian 38 fur trade 22 Gama,Vasco da 18 , 19, 29 Greely Adolphus 26 Greenland 9, 17, 26, 40 Herbert, Wally 27 homes, Inuit 14 -15 Hopewell 20 Hudson, Henry 20, 21 Hudson’s Bay Company 21


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