Sports Psychology


degrees, 6–7. See also fellowships; specific degrees Denham, Bryan, 54 DeWitt, Bill, 36 Division 47, 38, 93 doctoral degree (PhD), 7, 14–16, 18, 24 doctor of psychology degree (PsyD), 14–16, 18, 24 Dorfman, Harvey, 40 drafts, 36–37 drugs, 22, 52, 54, 66, 68–69 educational requirements, 6–7 graduate- & post-graduate, 12–16 post-graduate, 16–17 employment outlook, 19–24 Epictetus, 50 Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP), 18

AASP (Association for Applied Sports Psychology), 68, 93 academic sports psychology, 15, 24, 37–38 contributions, 68–72 advanced degrees, 6–7, 14–16 alcohol abuse, 50 amateurism, 28–31 American Psychological Association (APA), 38, 93 Antonelli, Ferruccio, 37 anxiety, 49, 90 Aoyagi, Mark, 48–49 APA (American Psychological Association), 38, 93 applied sports psychology, 15, 34–37 contributions, 61–63 employment outlook, 19–22 Armstrong, Lance, 82 associate’s degree, 13–16 Association for Applied Sports Psychology (AASP), 68, 93 baseball, 28, 30, 32, 40, 43–44 basketball, 21–22, 44, 47–48 Belichick, Bill, 84 Berra, Yogi, 43 Biles, Simone, 65–66 Bledsoe, Drew, 80 Body and Mind in Sport (Schulte), 32 Bradley, Timothy, 82 British Society of Sports Psychology, 37 Bryant, Kobe, 80 bullying, 70, 90 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 19–20 Cambage, Liz, 44 CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), 64, 66–67 certification, 18 chewing tobacco, 50 Chomsky, Noam, 7 clinical psychology, 8 clinical sports psychology, 15, 22–23 contributions, 63–68 coaching, 84–86 cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 64, 66–67 concentration-building, 80, 82–84 confidence, 43–47, 63 contributions of sports psychology, 58–61, 74–75 coaching/mentoring, 84–86 concentration-building, 80, 82–84 goal-setting, 77–79 importance of practice, 80–81 mind-body connection, 28–29, 37–38, 75–77 organizational strategies, 87–88 Coubertin, Pierre de, 28 Babe Ruth, 30–31 bachelor’s degree, 13–16 Barnes, Ross, 28 Bartley, Jess, 66

failure, 44–47, 62–63 fellowships, 16–18, 24 focus-building, 80, 82–84 football, 30, 40, 52, 80, 84–85 free agency, 37 goal-setting, 77–79 graduate-level education, 12–16

Green, Draymond, 44 Griffith, Coleman, 32 Guerin, Tish, 40 gymnastics, 65–66

Henry, Franklin, 34 high school, 20, 47, 52–53, 56 history, 26–41

19th century, 28–31 20th century, 33–37 research publication, 31–33 sports psychology acceptance, 37–41 hypnosis, 33–35, 91

ice hockey, 22, 34, 50, 71–72 International Olympic Committee (IOC), 29–30 International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP), 37 internships, 16–18

James, LeBron, 28 Johnson, Bryan, 76–77 Jordan, Michael, 47–48

kinesiology, 17

Last Dance, The , 47 Legler, Casey, 54 Lewis, Ray, 82 licensure, 16–18 Lorenz, Konrad, 7–8 MacKinnon, Nathan, 80 Mahomes, Patrick, 55


Sports Psychology

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