Sports Psychology

QR Video, 21, 33, 49, 63, 84

Major League Baseball (MLB), 40, 50, 52 master’s degree (MS), 7, 14–16 medical degree (MD), 7, 16–18 Mental Game of Baseball, The (Dorfman), 40 mental health, 21–22, 44, 48–49, 91 applied sports psychology and, 61–63 clinical sports psychology and, 63–68 reframing, 62–63, 92 self-confidence and, 43–47, 63 self-talk, 63–64 substance abuse and, 50–54 trust and, 54–56 mentoring, 84–86 Messi, Lionel, 28 Miles, Walter, 30 mind-body connection, 75–77 studies into, 28–29, 37–38 MLB (Major League Baseball), 40, 50, 52 MS (master’s degree), 7, 14–16 Murphy, Shane, 38 Nassar, Larry, 66 National Basketball Association (NBA), 21–22, 44 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 54, 93 National Football League (NFL), 40, 52, 80, 84–85 National Hockey League (NHL), 22, 50, 71–72 North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, 37 painkillers, 22, 52 PhD (doctoral degree), 7, 14–16, 18, 24 Phelps, Michael, 82 physical health, 44, 50–54 Piaget, Jean, 7 post-graduate education, 16–17 post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 92 practice, 80–81 practicum, 17–18, 92 prescription drugs, 52, 66, 68–69 Problem Athletes (Ogilvie & Tutko), 37–38 professional sports, 11, 28–31. See also specific sports psychiatry, 6–7, 92 Psychology (Griffith), 32 psychology, general, 6–9 PsyD (doctor of psychology degree), 14–16, 18, 24 PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 92 obsessive-compulsive disorder, 22 Ogilvie, Bruce, 37–38 Olympic Games, 32, 38, 61, 65–66, 93 history, 27–30, 50 organizational strategies, 87–88

reframing, 62–63, 92 research, 31–33 research projects, 25, 41, 57, 73, 89 resources, 93 Richards, Mike, 52 Roudik, Piotr Antonovich, 32 Ruth, Babe, 30–31

Schulte, Robert Werner, 32 Scripture, Edward, 29 self-confidence, 43–47, 63 self-medication, 22, 92 self-talk, 61–62

Setoguchi, Devin, 50 Silver, Adam, 21–22

Skinner, B. F., 7 Smith, Steve, 40 social facilitation effect, 29, 92

sports psychology, 11–12, 93. See also contributions of sports psychology; educational requirements; specific sports psychology branches career paths, 15–16

employment outlook, 19–22 self-confidence and, 43–47, 63 social facilitation effect, 29, 92 stress and, 46–49, 92 steroids, 52 St. Pierre, George, 81–82 stress, 46–49 substance abuse, 50–54

talk therapy, 63–64 Taylor, Jim, 44

Tewksbury, Mark, 61 Tissié, Philippe, 29 tobacco use, 50, 52 Toronto Maple Leafs, 71–72 Tracy, David, 34–36, 38 Train Your Mind for Athletic Success (Taylor), 44 Triplett, Norman, 29 trust, 54–56 Tutko, Tom, 37–38

undergraduate-level education, 13–16

Versteeg, Kris, 50

Warner, “Pop,” 30 Wilson, Colin, 22 World Congress of Sports Psychology, 37–38, 40

Yates, Dorothy Hazeltine, 32–33 Young, Anthony, 43–44

publications, 22, 31–33, 37–38 Puni, Avksenty Cezarevich, 32



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