The Business of Guns

elastic: Capable of being stretched or compressed without breaking. emigration: Leaving one’s home country for a new place.

enactment: Entering into law or regulation. encompass: To involve, include, reference.

epidemic: Vast, rapid spread, most often associated with disease. ersatz: A low-quality reproduction, inferior substitute, counterfeit. facilitate: To enable, drive, or make easier. federal: The highest level of national government, with authority over all citizens. fluctuate: Stark rising and falling over time, with few or no patterns. galvanize: To draw a great deal of public attention and support to a cause. grandfathering: Exempting a person from new laws, regulations, or policies. hegemony: Power and authority that rests in the hands of a particular group rather than an entire population. hone: To sharpen or improve. ideology: A political, social, religious, and/or cultural viewpoint expressed and advanced by groups, organizations, and associations. idiom: Folk saying or metaphor, usually meant to impart some wisdom. illicit: Illegal, outlawed, or banned. impulsive: Acting quickly and eagerly on an urge without stopping to think of the consequences. inalienable rights: Human rights that are not granted by the government, such as the right to life, which no leader or government can take away. inaugural: The first or initial instance of an annual event. indictment: Standing criminal charges against a person who has yet to be found either guilty or not guilty. inevitability: Unable to be stopped or prevented. institutionalized: Committed, voluntarily or involuntarily, to a health facility, usually a mental-health facility. jurisdiction: Legal authority. landmark: An extremely important case that defines or redefines basic rights. lax: Weak, ineffective, half-hearted, rarely enforced. liability: Legal or moral responsibility. libertarianism: Political ideology that advocates for smaller government, fewer regulations, and greater civil rights. litmus test: A scientific term that has been applied to politics, reflecting whether a candidate or ideology is appropriate based on their stance on a specific issue. logistics: The process of ordering and acquiring supplies. longitudinal: Long-term and/or ongoing.

Series Glossary of Key Terms


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