The Business of Guns

series glossary of key terms

alumni or alumnae: Successful graduates of an institution or organization, often a university. amateurism: Competition among nonprofessionals, who do not earn money for their participation. amendment: An additional piece of legislation, most often referring to an addition to the United States Constitution. anecdote: A personal story or experience. anticipate: To predict, foresee, or calculate something in the future. appeal: A legal process where someone found guilty of a crime may address a higher court to demonstrate the unconstitutionality of the law they broke, or their innocence, thus overturning their conviction. avert: Prevent or stop an action. bias: Prejudice in favor of a certain viewpoint or outcome. bloc: A political organization of multiple members, usually referring to nations in a military alliance. bounty: Money given for the capture and delivery of a person. calibrate: To adjust an instrument, tool, or machine for optimal performance. camaraderie: Friendship. campus: Grounds and facilities of a university, college, or major business. cartel: A business conglomerate that restricts competition, allowing its members to hoard wealth and market share. caveat: A warning, condition, limitation, or notice. civilian: Any person who is neither a soldier nor a law enforcement official. compensation: Financial value given for items seized by the government. confiscate: To seize property deemed to be illegal, using force if necessary. converse: The opposite of something. crux: Most important point or argument, which supports all other ideas. culling: Forced killing, usually of a predator or prey animal whose population is too high. cynicism: Extreme distrust in normal institutions or order. developed nation: Country with advanced economy, no longer reliant on agriculture, mining, or manufacturing. dialogue: Ongoing conversation not limited in size or scope. dichotomy: The divide between two very opposite or different concepts, things, or persons. disincentive: Law, regulation, or rule meant to discourage certain behaviors and activities. divert: To redirect, change direction, or adjust movement.

The Business of Guns


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