Danelo Cavalcante
and evaded capture. Prison-breakout stories have since become sensational and notorious criminal acts, but there is a long and fascinating history behind them. Prison breaks date back hundreds of years, with some of the first recorded jailbreaks occurring in the 12th century, stretching up to the modern day. For instance, one of the most Ted Bundy confessed to thirty murders between 1974 and 1978. He escaped from custody twice.
notable jailbreaks in history was that of prolific serial killer Ted Bundy. Bundy had committed a brutal series of murders across the United States before he was apprehended, where he eventually made his escape by jumping through the second-floor window of a courthouse. Although authorities captured him once more, Bundy made yet another escape through a small grate in the ceiling of his cell, crawling through the air ducts out into the guards’ living quarters. From there, Bundy was able to escape to freedom and evade capture for several months. Partly due to the notoriety of his escape from prison, Ted Bundy has been the topic of several forms of media, such as books, studies, and films. In a broader context, many other infamous escapees have also received the same treatment, becoming the topic of various
Danelo Cavalcante
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